Building and Structural Engineers

There is a series of steps that engineers use during the designing process that guides them when solving problems. In order for engineers to determine how to build an object, the need to accumulate information and perform research in order to better understand the requirements of the challenge they are addressing. Once they have all the information needed, they will brainstorm as many solutions as possible. Once they have reached a solution, they will then start the design that includes analytical decisions on the construction and materials, compile drawings, and make decisions with regards to the fabrication and manufacturing materials that need to be used. Engineers test and create several prototypes in order to make improvements so that the design is perfect and meets the clients and their needs.

Engineers design and build several different types of structures, products and systems that are relevant in out everyday lives. There are a series of steps that are taken during the design process such as imaging the design, brainstorming, reviewing and repeating the process over and over till the find a sound solution. Building and structural engineers understand the need, the problems, what has to be accomplished, and understand the requirements and limitations of a project. Engineers are creative, they investigate the latest methods and technologies to use and analyse, explore and compare various different solutions that best suits a specific design. When engineers work on a project they first draw a diagram of the project, then analyse how it will work, decide what tools and materials are required, and also evaluate the culture and environmental aspects, and then they will carry out tests to make sure the project will work. Engineers use their maths and science knowledge to explore all possibilities as well as compare open ended design ideas. This process is cyclical of which may begin and return to any of the previous steps. Engineers revise and draw new designs in order to improve their products and select a solution that best meets the projects requirements. Many factors are taken into consideration before a design is implemented such as aesthetics, maintainability, safety and functionality, costs and other.

Sustainability is also taken into consideration on what impact the development, use and disposal of a project may have on the planet and the people. In addition the use of prototypes of a design and feedback from other relevant parties helps speed up the process and also identifies any missing requirements and features. These professionals offer consulting, structural designs, engineering drawings, testing and inspections. Their services also include assessment, certification and reporting.

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