How to Organize Your Home for Christmas

Stress is an evil of many faces, but what most people do not realize is some of that stress could be alleviated when they get home organized. Families need planners just as much as an important businessperson does. Tracking and organizing all of the family events, parents keeping track of babysitters for when they want to go out; it can make chaos a breeze. Additionally, knowing how to make their home declutter their lives lifts another burden off of the shoulders.

A family organizer will help keep everything running like clockwork, and may even be a relief from busy people’s hectic lives. All that is needed is a normal size binder with calendars, schedules, planner forms, and inventories, and fast-paced families can still communicate.

Calendars will ensure that no important events or appointments are missed–or to remind everyone that there is something not going on (No school, work time off, etc). Posted schedules will get the family into a routine, so if they have recently started a new class for personal enrichment (dance, karate, piano, etc) or anything of the sort they can be prepared; this reminder every time they review the organizer will make adjusting to the new schedule easier.

Planner forms expedite putting together small events (small parties, presentations, etc) so that no one has to slow down to have a smooth event execution. In addition, inventories are rather self-explanatory: everyone should know what is there, when it was obtained, and when it is gone. Whether these are household items, food, or just something miscellaneous, families should communicate this.

Correspondingly, planners should be used to prepare, and execute the plan (PEP) for Christmas.

The first choice is entirely preference: choosing what media to use to store the planner. There is, of course, the three-ring binder so popularly chosen, as it is easiest to make these festive. However, anything is fine; computer file, a notepad, PDA file, cards, just so long as it serves the cause: organization. However, the standard binder is recommended. Lists, recipes, gift ideas, all pieces of the foundation of Christmas planning, for those who chose the binder, decorating the cover develop a festive mood. However, those who are artistically challenged might consider using past Christmas pictures or cards to place in a binder with clear plastic covering.

However, if the planner needs to be hidden from especially curious eyes, disguise it as something ordinary like “Kids’ Immunization Records” or “Kid’s report cards”. Anything boring should do the trick, otherwise surprises will be ruined if there is suspicion of sabotage in the house. And be sure that the planner is portable, as gift lists and clothes sizes will need to be accessible when shopping. The planner will need dividers. These will vary based on the family, but here are some basic ideas:

-Present Plans
-December Calendar
-Christmas Cards
-Meal Plans with Recipes
-Entertaining Ideas
-Decoration Designs

As was mentioned before, clutter kills the mood and adds to stress, so here are some tips to cleaning clutter and staying rid of it all year round.

For those in the habit, it takes time to break. Take time out of the day to organize and sort what is needed from what is not. This could be fifteen minutes a day, or this could be two to four hours one day a week depending on what fits the schedule better. It is acceptable to store some things so long as they remain organized. However, for high-traffic areas of the home where household items, mail, or toys lose their way, cleaning only lasts a day. Make sure everything that comes into the house has a place. Otherwise, built-up misplacement creates a mess in no time. This is the true key to remaining clutter-free. That, and having one place where a mess is OK, so long as it stays there (ex. a junk drawer with miscellaneous items).

Much stress is alleviated when people get home organized. Everything is already planned and recorded, so home managers can rest easy. With disorganization and clutter off the brain, the household can run smoothly and stay that way, when it is done right.

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