Advice on Choosing French Country Decor

If you are searching for ideas on how to style your home then how about choosing french country decor? You can create a Gallic ambience with minimal effort. The information contained in this article should help you to understand how to go about this without ever having to set foot in France!

Apart from the obvious elegance of a French country styled interior decor there are other factors which have made this design a popular choice. It is often thought of as being an economical option as even old second hand furniture can create a rustic French feel. Check out antique markets and auctions to find French furniture and upholstery at excellent prices.

What exactly is French country decor? For most interior designers it means creating an ambience which is akin to the Gallic countryside. It is inspired by the warm atmosphere and elegant feeling that is felt when travelling in rural France. It can be said to create a mood that is not only rustic but also very calming.

Typically, it would involve furnishings and accessories that have colors and shades which have been taken inspiration from the French outdoors. You will find that French country decor relies heavily on pastel shades as well as blues, gold, and deep bold reds.

It is up to you to what extent you want to replicate French decor in your home. You may plan to go as far as installing a granite floor in your kitchen. A tradition old French cottage would have used stone and wood in the designs and planning to a large extent. Whether or not a natural stone floor would suit your kitchen or other rooms will depend upon the type of property you own, it may not be so desirable in a modern construction.

A traditional Gallic country house would have at its heart a solid wooden table. You can also choose a similar item as the centre piece to your design. When it comes to purchasing old style wooden tables for the kitchen or dining room then there is a better selection of modern imitations available then there are genuine antiques. Also, the newer designs would be considerably cheaper than an original piece. Before placing an order for any new wooden furniture find out whether or not it comes from a sustainable forest.

There is almost no end to the number of furnishings you could add to your home to create a French feeling. How about some old fashioned wicker baskets, or crockery and linen that has French motifs? Even the bedding and curtains you use can add to the overall feeling.

To ensure privacy you could install traditional French lace net curtains in your windows. Whether these are full or half size would depend upon how much light you want to filter as well as your location; if you live in a busy neighborhood then privacy may be more important to you than in a rural setting.

Today it is not difficult to get hold of stylish French country decor. You can easily check out various ideas and concepts through niche oriented design websites.

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