Modern Crystal Chandeliers And The Elegant Radiance They Add To Your Home

Today there are many varieties of captivating and elegant lighting fixtures for the modern home.

Crystal chandeliers are perhaps one of the most sought after lighting pieces, for they effectively convey an elegant and wonderful radiance to any room. Often employing cut glass, dangling from the arms and sometimes suspended in swags between the mounting area and the arms to reflect light and create a shimmering effect.

Elaborate crystal fixtures on the grand scale were considered appropriate in Europe in the 18th and 19th centuries. Since then, these crystal lighting fixtures have become a popular accessory in opulent hotels and residences worldwide, and new contemporary modern designs have sprung up to grace the living rooms of today’s modern homes.

Modern Contemporary Chandeliers Are Perfect For Any Room

Modern crystal lighting fixtures that are properly installed and well- positioned can rapidly emerge as the centerpiece of any room you want in your house. From bathrooms to the living room, nurseries to entry halls, modern chandelier designs are perfect in any form of decorative home lighting.

A popular trend today is installing these types of chandeliers in a nursery, since many say it makes a lot of sense because these chandeliers are controlled by a switch that softly dims the light. Modern contemporary pendant lighting will also be perfect in children’s rooms and in the bathroom right above the vanity. Modern contemporary crystal lighting pieces are likewise excellent for a smaller entry ways,hallways,and also above the kitchen.

Tips In Effectively Cleaning Modern Crystal Chandeliers

The entry of newer, sleeker and more modern chandelier designs for today’s homes, has made it more exciting for consumers to choose from a wider array of designs and patterns. Those who wish to stick to classical looks may opt for old-world ornate candle-type designs, while those seeking a more subdued, yet 21st-century look, could go for modern, minimalist designs. Here are some helpful tips in appropriately cleaning today’s modern crystal lighting fixtures.

– If you have a modern crystal chandelier you can clean it without detaching the pendants from the frame. Home lighting experts say that while handling pendants, use white cotton gloves. Prepare a solution of one part isopropyl alcohol and three parts distilled water. Put these in a spray bottle. Put on your cotton gloves,and spray one glove with the solution. Take note that the other glove should remain dry. Lastly, wipe the crystal with the damp glove and wipe it immediately with the dry one.

– Ensure that every time you dust your house, take the dust from your chandelier utilizing an anti-static dust brush.

– Crystals need cleaning when it appears dusty or dull. Take a closer look at your chandelier frequently, and you’ll know when to do the cleaning.

– In dusting you fixtures, keep in mind that crystal pendants shouldn’t beat each other — it may create invisible cracks and eventually spoil the clear structure of the crystal.

– Always remember not use packaged cleaning fluids, even if they claim to be for crystal. They may contain ammonia or other chemicals that could degrade the frame finish. Professional lighting experts and home lighting shops can offer you cleaning solutions produced by lighting fixture producers specifically for cleaning these types of chandeliers. You can use them following the instructions on the package.

– Do not handle crystal with bare hands. Always wear white cotton gloves. Crystal picks up fingerprints easily, and always remember that crystals are very fragile and delicate materials. – Golden Age USA

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