How STAGING Helps Homes Sell

Have you ever considered why two, somewhat similar houses, are listed on the market at the same time, for a similar price, and while one sells quickly, the other continues to be available? Once we’ve eliminated reasons such as the condition of the house and grounds/ property, real estate taxes, upgrades, etc, this disparity is often due to how potential buyers view, and perceive each property. Factors such as curb appeal, first impressions, etc, may be major factors and considerations, which explain what’s going on. After more than a decade as a Licensed Real Estate Salesperson, in the State of New York, I feel strongly, that there are times, when having a house professionally staged, may make all the difference! Let’s review some of the reasons, STAGING helps homes sell, and do so, with the aid of mnemonics.

1. Strengths; system; solutions: It is often quite challenging for a homeowner to be able to look at his house objectively, because of both the emotional attachment, and because he’s personally involved! While some homeowners might be capable, and some agents might also, it is often wise to seek the assistance, services and recommendations of a professional stager, to seek the best solutions, to better showing off the strengths of a house. These people usually have a tried – and – proven system, and I have witnessed fabulous results. An agent should make recommendations of stagers in the area, who have successfully staged similar properties, in your area.

2. Trends: Stagers know and understand what the present – day buyers might be seeking, and taking advantage of the trends. They will therefore, focus on paying particular focus, in those areas, of need.

3. Appearance; attention; appeal: How might the appearance of a house be enhanced/ improved? From curb appeal, to first impressions, it’s often wise to listen to a professional expert. They know what to pay the most attention to, as well as the best way to draw prospective buyers’ attention, in a positive way. The goal of staging, obviously, is to improve the appeal!

4. Generate: Staging has the ability to generate a higher level of excitement, and interest in a particular property, because it will accentuate the positive!

5. Improve; interest: Don’t you want your home to be shown off, to its best possibilities? Listen to how stagers might improve the overall perception! The greater buyers’ interest, the better the chance of selling a house!

6. Nuances; niche: Often, a stager may identify the specific niche, which this house should appeal to, and, thus be marketed at! They will use that, to place certain nuances into their overall staging plan.

7. Greater; good: Enhance the good points of a home, and reduce attention to the weaker aspects. Like a quality artist, a professional stager, knows how to make something greater, and more appealing!

Don’t behave in a penny – wise, pound – foolish, manner! There may be a cost to STAGING, but if it will get your home sold, quicker and at a better price, doesn’t it make sense?

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